Thursday, September 29, 2016

London and UFC Fight Night Lineker vs Dodson

Taking after a 1-2 begin to his UFC profession, Hacran Dias (23-4-1) corrected the boat with continuous wins over kindred processors Darren Elkins and Levan Makashvili. Ten months after the last battle, he survived two knockdowns, at the end of the day lost a ruling against Cub Swanson.

"Barnabe" will surrender two inches of stature to the 5'10" Andre Fili (15-4).

Fili's three-year UFC profession has seen him substitute wins and misfortunes on the way to a 3-3 limited time record. Most as of late, he went up against Yair Rodriguez in April and ended up on the wrong end of a flying switch kick knockout.

He replaces the harmed Brian Ortega on three weeks notice.

Fili may have a close otherworldly affinity for getting halted in unimaginable style, however he's the better striker of the two by a reasonable edge and should have the wrestling to close down Dias' catch overwhelming invasion. There's likewise Fili's velocity favorable position to consider, preference he didn't have against "Pantera."

Dias' restricted striking stockpile and absence of completing capacity will be his demise. Fili relentlessly close down his wrestling diversion in transit to a choice win.

Nine wins in his past 10 battles brought Shamil Abdurakhimov (16-3) to UFC, where he tumbled to first-round ground-and-pound against Timothy Johnson in his presentation. After ten months, he ventured once again into the Octagon and took a choice over Anthony Hamilton in Pittsburgh.

"Abrek" has seven wins by type of knockout and four by means of accommodation.

Walt Harris (8-4) went two-and-out in his first UFC stretch, then tumbled to Soa Palelei in his short-see Octagon return. In April, he at last figured out how to get his first win in the advancement by thumping out Cody East in the first round.

Every one of the eight of his wins have dropped by first-round knockout.

Harris' size, physicality and force are all noteworthy, yet he appears to come up short on thoughts on the off chance that he can't put his man away in the first round. He let the moderate and clumsy Jared Rosholt free in the wake of dropping him early and even the previously mentioned Palelei, infamous for being dead on his feet after the initial five minutes, figured out how to overwhelm him well into the second round.

Considering Abdurakhimov has stand out (specialized) knockout misfortune on his record, which originated from ground-and-pound, that is not a decent blemish to have. "Abrek" is the cleaner striker and should have the capacity to withstand Harris' initial assault. Anticipate that him will consistently dismantle Harris the way he did Hamilton, perhaps ceasing "The Big Ticket" late.

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